Everything You Need To Know About Fibreglass Roofing

Epdm flat roof

Fibreglass, or GRP, roofing is an increasingly popular choice for those in the building trade as well as DIY enthusiasts. It is a durable and long-lasting material for roofs, useful whether they’re flat or pitched.

Let’s explore everything you need to know about this fantastic roofing material.

What Is Fibreglass Roofing

It is a type of roofing system that consists of a layer of fibreglass matting that is reinforced with plastic resin. This creates a strong and flexible layer that is able to withstand harsh weather without issue.

White building

Why Choose Fibreglass Roofing?

There are many reasons why it is a great choice for both flat and pitched roofing.


To start, it is extremely durable and long-lasting. It can withstand harsh weather such as heavy rain, snow and gale-force winds. Additionally, it is UV resistant, so it takes much longer to degrade under sunlight. This means that you won’t have to worry as much about it fading or cracking over time.

Low Maintenance

It is also very low maintenance. Unlike traditional felt roofing, which can require regular upkeep and repairs, this needs very little in the way of maintenance. It is also resistant to moss and algae, which is often a common issue in other types of roofing.


Fibreglass Roofing is incredibly versatile. It can be used on a range of roofs, including extensions, garages, and dormer roofs. It is a great choice for those looking to add a modern and seamless finish to their home.

Flat roof

How is Fibreglass Roofing Installed?

Fibreglass roofing is a specialist material that should always be installed by a professional roofing company. The installation process involves layering a sheet of fibreglass matting onto a roof before applying plastic resin to the matting. This creates a strong and waterproof layer that can withstand the elements.

The installation process will generally take a few days, dependent on certain factors. These factors are:

  • The size of your roof
  • Weather conditions
  • Your roofer’s availability
  • Your own availability

Polycarb roof

How Do You Maintain A Fibreglass Roof?

As mentioned, they require very little maintenance. However, there are a few things that you can do to keep yours in top condition.

Keep Your Gutters Clear

One of the most important things that you can do is to ensure that your gutters are clear of debris. This will prevent water from building up on your roof. While it has excellent water resistance, constant and persistent water pressure will wear any roofing material down eventually.

Regular Check-Ins

It is always a good idea to check your roof over from time to time. Fibreglass roofing is an incredibly durable material. However, time wears down all things. If you catch any cracks or other sources of damage early, then you can have them repaired just as fast. Doing so will prevent further, more costly damages and extend the lifespan of your roof.

Grp flat roof

Contact Us

At ADL Building Plastics we offer fibreglass roofing that is designed to last. If you are interested in installing this fantastic material, then get in touch with us today. Our team of experienced and friendly technicians are here to help. They’ll provide you with all of the information you’ll need to make an informed decision about your roofing needs.

Contact us today to learn more!


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